Gynaecology & Fertility Centre
Thursday, 25 April 2024




The Gynaecology and Fertility Centre is particularly active in the field of obstetrics.
Our Centre collaborates with St. Luke's Hospital since 1999.

The Head of the Centre, Dr. Elias Tsakos, attends to all patients together with two other obstetricians and the Centre's midwife.
Ultrasounds are carried out on latest generation machines (General Electric 2010 and Philips 2009). The Centre is also equipped with an electronic fetal monitor to monitor the progress of the pregnancy.

Two obstetricians are available on a 24-hour basis to respond to any emergencies.

Our Centre organizes seminars on Obstetrics and Neonatal Care every six months for new parents. These Seminars aim to cover concerns regarding pregnancy and childbirth (new developments in prenatal care, pregnancy after IVF treatment, breast - pregnancy - nursing, banking of cord blood stem cells, etc.).

Our Centre's medical team has published "The Guide for New Parents" (in Greek).

Το έντυπο αυτό διανέμεται δωρεάν στους νέους γονείς και περιέχει σύγχρονα δεδομένα και οδηγίες σχετικά με την εγκυμοσύνη, το τοκετό και τη λοχεία.
This guide is distributed free of charge to new parents and includes information about recent developments and guidelines with regard to prenatal, delivery and postnatal care.

prenatal tests - pregnancy plan

monitoring of pregnancy
(low risk pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy after IVF treatment)


(natural, vacuum extraction, forceps delivery, caesarian section)

postnatal care - nursing

• British doctor

• Fellow of the RCOG

• Fully registered with the GMC with a license to practice in the UK

After 16 years of trying to have a baby, our dream became reality!

Irini - Babis
Edessa 25/1/2012

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